
Closing in on Finals

The dreaded Study Zombie takes over the brain as Finals approach.

The dreaded Study Zombie takes over the brain as Finals approach.

Finals are a difficult time. We just finished with end of the term projects, presentations and papers. And now we have to recall all we’ve learned and take that one final test (per class, of course). When we’re absolved in studies, it is easy to forget that our bodies have needs. Along with taking regular breaks and getting good sleep, it is also important to stay nourished so you don’t become a Study Zombie.

One of my favorite snacks is low-calorie (for those who count) and delicious. And, the best part is, you can personalize it to fit your own needs (or wants). And it simply consists of your choice of cracker, spread, salsa and garnish.

Your choice of cracker?
Make sure you like it.
Remove a healthy portion of crackers (3 or so) from the package onto a dish/napkin/serving plate.

I use: 3 Breton multigrain crackers.

Your choice of spread?
This spread could be anything, such as a cheese spread. Use anything that you like.
Apply a modest portion of spread to each cracker. Do not put on too much spread.

I use: 1 of the wedges in a package of Laughing Cow cheese wedges.

There is enough cheese in one of these low calorie wedges to spread across the 3 large Breton crackers.

Your choice of salsa?
This must be a salsa, your choice of type, kind and degree of spiciness.
Add a small spoon-full of salsa atop the spread on each cracker. Too much salsa will drown out your spread instead of enhancing it.

I use: a store brand medium salsa.

Fresh or dried garnish herb (like parsley)?
If you choose fresh parsley or another fresh herb, just a few sprigs will do for garnish. Dried garnish herbs will also work.
Add your sprigs or dash some dried herb onto the top of your creation.

I use: dried parsley flakes.

Enjoy your snack, and get to studying. Just don’t become a Study Zombie!

-Rebecca Lutz

Prime Hang-out Spot

The neon Smaug sign

Students hang out, eat and study in the Winona State University Smaug.

Students hang out, eat and study in the Winona State University Smaug.

Work on homework, eat food, talk with friends, listen to music…these are just a few of the activities that can keep you busy in the Smaug. The Smaug is an area in Kryzsko Commons, in which you are almost always guaranteed to find a friend sitting in at any time through out the day.

Have a short break between classes and you are hungry? The Smaug is your destination of choice! If Italian, Mexican, or Chinese food is not going to cure the growling in your stomach, then choose from Coyote Jacks or Sub Generation, where you can find cheeseburgers or sub sandwiches. Also be sure to check out the C-Store to grab a snack before class or supplies for a meal made in your dorm room 30-seconds-to-the-best-meal-of-your-life-cooking-box (microwave). When your finished with your meal in the Smaug don’t forget to grab smoothie or ice cream from Freshens, located in the C-Store.

The Smaug is also equipped with a stage in the back of the room where you can find live entertainment in the evenings though the year. Runner-Up, our on campus comedy club, can be found performing on the stage quite often, using help from the audience to run their performances.

–Neal Peterson

A View from the Inside Out

Winona State University Alumni Gazebo

Winona State University Alumni Gazebo

The Alumni Gazebo is located in the middle of the Winona State University campus. Many times it is used as a meeting place for people, classes, or fundraising activities. If you take the time to sit in the gazebo, you can observe more than just a beautiful busy campus. You can see the everyday commotion of students, faculty, staff, and visitors as they go about their day, such as tours passing by while prospective students intently listening to their guide, students rushing around to get to class on time, groups of friends stopping to chat, people on bikes cruising past the people walking, and classes meeting outside for their lectures.

WSU is an easy campus to navigate and you can easily go from class to class in 10 minutes or less. This is very convenient when you only have 10 minutes in between classes and you need to grab a bite to eat, a scantron from the bookstore, or print something at one of the printers on campus. WSU is known for its beautiful landscaping and buildings, so don’t forget to take the time to enjoy your surroundings while making your way across campus.

WSU Admissions:

Schedule a Visit:

Apply to WSU:

Karla Larson

Study Break: The Acoustic Cafe

Winona, WSU, Acoustic Cafe

The Acoustic Cafe is located on 2nd Street in Historical Downtown Winona.

With Finals Week slowly creeping onto the academic radar, some students may be wondering if there are places where they can get away and enjoy a little personal or study time, social time with friends or listen to some great live music. There are many places on campus and in the Winona area to do these things. But what about a place where one can accomplish all three?

If you have never been to the Acoustic Cafe on 2nd Street, this is just the place for students to relax in a comfortable environment. Along with having a fantastic menu, the Acoustic has free Wi-Fi access and live music every Friday and Saturday night. And for those students who are 21 and over, the Acoustic does serve adult beverages for your social delight.

So feel free to bring some friends and a Scrabble board and get a little word-crazy. Or, if you’re not that type, just bring your laptop and enjoy being out and about. One of my personal favorites is to bring some coloring books and color recklessly for a couple of hours. I may be 19 and a college sophomore, but I’m still a kid at heart.

To view the menu, see the entertainment schedule or find out more information, feel free to visit Acoustic Cafe online.

– Rebecca Lutz

Answers to the Universe

Okay, maybe not the answers to the universe. But definitely answers about Winona State University and how to become a student at this fine institution. Last week I sat down with Carl Stange, the Director of Admissions here on campus. These are some of the videos from our sit-down:

Carl welcomes you to WSU.

Get to know Carl.

How has WSU changed over the years?

What is the most asked question from prospective students?

What is the next step a prospective student should take if they are interested in Winona State University?

What does it mean to be a student at WSU?

– Neal Peterson

Happy Halloween!


The famed candy bowl of Somsen 211 sports its Halloween flare.

With Halloween just around the corner (and a few ghouls hiding around the corner too, no doubt), the air around campus is chilly in more ways than one. Some students sport their costumes in light of the holiday despite the nippy weather. Others go about their usual lives on campus. But there is a noticeable vibe in the WSU air when Halloween rolls around. After all, it is the season for mountains of candy.

But, what about the other 11 months and 30 days of the year? Halloween is the only, unique day where strangers will freely give you a little piece of happiness (meaning candy, of course). Lucky for WSU students, there is Somsen 211, the Office of Academic Affairs, home of a fantastic candy bowl.

Many fine and friendly people contribute to filling this bowl, which offers visitors Halloween quality candies all year round. The candy bowl has so many adoring fans, that the mail room awarded Academic Affairs their own “Office of the Year” award for being exceptionally friendly and for having a great candy bowl. Anyone can stop by, say hello, and grab a bite-sized piece of bliss. And during finals week, there’s nothing like munching a Snickers bar for comfort.

Once the Halloween thrills are past, keep in mind that Somsen 211 can help satisfy that occasional sugar craving. Have a safe and happy Halloween, and don’t forget to brush your teeth!

– Rebecca Lutz

Mid-Terms Already?!?

It’s a beautiful day on campus during mid-terms week.

After many long hours of study and few hours of sleep, mid-terms have come
to an end for Fall semester 2010. Mid-terms week was blessed with beautiful
weather in the Winona area, which did its part to keep spirits high. Though
I’m certain many pillows found more use over the weekend than during the

To celebrate the end of mid-terms (and because it was bound to happen
anyway), I am proud to announce the launch of the WSU blogs, the Admissions
blog being the one you are currently reading. To describe to you what we
plan to do would give away some fun surprises. But, I can assure, this isn’t
going to be a collection of plain old student soliloquies.

Here’s to the blogs and the end of mid-terms!

Now all we have to worry about are finals!

–Rebecca Lutz

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